Monday, October 3, 2011

Display fields not showing up, but went ahead and tried it and it worked.


I am using Dynamics Ax 4.  I added the code below to a table

   1: display name ParentWebCategoryName()
   2: {
   3:     ptnWebCategories    ptnWebCategories;
   4:     name                name;
   5:     ;
   6:     ptnWebCategories = ptnWebCategories::find(this.webCategoryID);
   7:     name= ptnWebCategories.ParentCategoryName;
   8:     return name;
   9: }

In the past I thought that this would show up as a field when I added the table as a data source to a form.  I could not get it to show up for some reason but it did work, even in a grid..  Go figure..  I added a new field to a grid, changed the datasource to the table, changed the datamethod to the above method name, and it worked.

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