Everything you need to know is here (and how to download LinqKit.dll for Entity Framework) http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/predicatebuilder.aspx but I thought I would give my simple example and hopefully it clears any confusion up for you.
In LinqPad I did exactly the following:
1) Added a connection to my Entity Framework dll to use in the query
2) clicked f4 in query window
3) Found LinqKit.dll and added it as a reference
4) Checked the “Include PredicateBuilder”
5) Clicked “Additional Namespace Imports”
6) Typed “LinqKit”
7) Clicked “Set as default for new queries”
8) Changes Language to C# Program
9) wrote query below which uses predicates..
1: void Main()
2: {
3: var prs = SearchProducts("1", "", "", "");
5: prs.Dump();
6: }
8: IQueryable<ProductReturn> SearchProducts (string returnNumber, string serial, string accessCard, string trackingNumber)
9: {
10: var predicate = PredicateBuilder.False<ProductReturn>();
12: if(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnNumber) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serial) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accessCard) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trackingNumber))
13: {
14: predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<ProductReturn>();
15: }
16: else
17: {
19: if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnNumber)) predicate = predicate.Or(pr1 => pr1.ProductReturnIDFull.Contains(returnNumber));
20: if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serial)) predicate = predicate.Or(le1 => le1.LinesExpecteds.Any(m => m.Serial.Contains(serial)));
21: if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accessCard)) predicate = predicate.Or(le2 => le2.LinesExpecteds.Any(m => m.AccessCard.Contains(accessCard)));
22: if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trackingNumber)) predicate = predicate.Or(le3 => le3.LinesExpecteds.Any(m => m.PrepaidLabelTracking.Contains(trackingNumber)));
23: }
25: return ProductReturns.AsExpandable().Where (predicate);
26: }
27: // Define other methods and classes here
select sql generated in LinqPad 4 below with parameter for returnNumber and serial only.
1: -- Region Parameters
2: DECLARE p__linq__0 NVarChar(1) SET p__linq__0 = '%1%'
3: DECLARE p__linq__1 NVarChar(1) SET p__linq__1 = '%a%'
4: -- EndRegion
6: [Extent1].[ProductReturnID] AS [ProductReturnID],
7: [Extent1].[ProductReturnIDFull] AS [ProductReturnIDFull],
8: [Extent1].[ReturnStatusID] AS [ReturnStatusID],
9: [Extent1].[ReturnSystemStatusID] AS [ReturnSystemStatusID],
10: [Extent1].[CustID] AS [CustID],
11: [Extent1].[ContactName] AS [ContactName],
12: [Extent1].[ContactPhone] AS [ContactPhone],
13: [Extent1].[ContactEmail] AS [ContactEmail],
14: [Extent1].[ShipFromAddress1] AS [ShipFromAddress1],
15: [Extent1].[ShipFromAddress2] AS [ShipFromAddress2],
16: [Extent1].[ShipFromCity] AS [ShipFromCity],
17: [Extent1].[ShipFromState] AS [ShipFromState],
18: [Extent1].[ShipFromZipCode] AS [ShipFromZipCode],
19: [Extent1].[ReturnWarehouse] AS [ReturnWarehouse],
20: [Extent1].[PrepaidLabelCount] AS [PrepaidLabelCount],
21: [Extent1].[PrepaidLabelPDF] AS [PrepaidLabelPDF],
22: [Extent1].[PalletCountCarrier] AS [PalletCountCarrier],
23: [Extent1].[PalletCountTotalReturn] AS [PalletCountTotalReturn],
24: [Extent1].[PickUpDate] AS [PickUpDate],
25: [Extent1].[PickUpTime] AS [PickUpTime],
26: [Extent1].[IsLiftGateRequired] AS [IsLiftGateRequired],
27: [Extent1].[IsShrinkWrapRequired] AS [IsShrinkWrapRequired],
28: [Extent1].[IsPalletJackRequired] AS [IsPalletJackRequired],
29: [Extent1].[IsRestockingFee] AS [IsRestockingFee],
30: [Extent1].[RestockingFeeWaivedComment] AS [RestockingFeeWaivedComment],
31: [Extent1].[TotalPrepaidWeight] AS [TotalPrepaidWeight],
32: [Extent1].[TotalWeight] AS [TotalWeight],
33: [Extent1].[UpdateCounter] AS [UpdateCounter],
34: [Extent1].[Active] AS [Active],
35: [Extent1].[CreateDate] AS [CreateDate],
36: [Extent1].[CreatedBy] AS [CreatedBy],
37: [Extent1].[ModifiedDate] AS [ModifiedDate],
38: [Extent1].[ModifiedBy] AS [ModifiedBy]
39: FROM [dbo].[ProductReturns] AS [Extent1]
40: WHERE ([Extent1].[ProductReturnIDFull] LIKE @p__linq__0 ESCAPE N'~') OR ( EXISTS (SELECT
41: 1 AS [C1]
42: FROM [dbo].[LinesExpected] AS [Extent2]
43: WHERE ([Extent1].[ProductReturnID] = [Extent2].[ProductReturnID]) AND ([Extent2].[Serial] LIKE @p__linq__1 ESCAPE N'~')
44: ))
Predicates are pretty sweet!
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